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通常情况下,合同的货量都有个多少百分比的选择权,比较常见的有10% more or less in Owners’ option。当然也有10% more or less in Charterers’ option,或者Min/Max xxx mts的情况。如果是这种Min/Max的情况,船方一定要提醒承租人及码头方,严格严重配载图来装载;一旦做完水尺后发现货量不足,要求发货人补足;如果超了也第一时间要求卸回去。不然与租约的货量不一致,出租人将面临被索赔的风险。

对于出租人有option的情况,似乎弹性大一些,可多可少,按船舶的实际情况来装载即可。但为了安全起见,如在Louis Dreyfus v. Parnaso Cia NavieraS.A. (The “ Dominator”) [1960] 2 Q.B. 49案中解释过“approximated”措辞对出租人的保护作用,


而关于船长在配载中行使Option的问题,在Reardon Smith Line Ltd. v. Ministry of Agriculture [1963]1 Lloyd’s Rep. 12贵族院案中,Devlin勋爵对option作出了权威解释。Devlin勋爵认为“Option”在其最广泛的解释中意味着简单的选择或自由选择。合同中的义务通常可以通过多种方式履行,义务方可以选择任何一种他喜欢的方式。例如,合同可以提供9月/ 10月的装运,然后托运人可以选择他喜欢的61天中的任何一天。Devlin勋爵怀疑在这种情况下,托运人是否会在普通语言中被描述为有61种选择。







接下来来看London Arbitration 1/01案。在该案中,该船的夏季载重量为17,825吨的灵便型散货船;出租人与承租人以修订的NYPE格式签订合同,执行一个从波罗的海到西海岸中部和南美洲西海岸的一次航次期租,预计装载大量无害化肥。

争议在租船合同下产生,承租人争辩说,由于出租人违反租船合同- 船长没有遵守承租人他们的指示,他们在次租船合同下遭受了同等的运费损失。该船装载了15,321.93吨货物,相当于总运费532,437.06美元。承租人认为该船应该装载15,884.25吨货物,相当于总运费551,977.68美元,二者相差19,540.62美元。


(a) 5,000/10%mts standard muriate of potash (‘smop’)

(b)4,550/4,600 mts sulphate of potash (‘sop’)

(c) 5,200/10%mts granulated muriate of potash (‘gmop’)

(a)和(c)票货的10%大小的边际是出租人的选择,而(b)票的50%范围是承租人的选择。因此,根据船长在最小总货物量为13,730 mts和最大总货物量15,820之间的计算,船舶可以装载各种货量。根据船舶的夏季载重量17,825吨,该船在技术上可以装载最大货物的上限15,820吨,留下2,005吨未使用的载重量,用于船舶常数和燃油等,足以满足这些目的。但是,航行计划时还需要考虑其他因素,即(i)立方容积;(ii)不同等级货物等级隔离;(iii)船舶的稳定性;(iv)途中港口的可用吃水。





船长的证据是,装货港代理人的代表登上了船舶并要求他修改原始的准备就绪装货的通知书,装载15,820 吨,提到3个等级的mop/ sop,并且支持新的准备就绪通知,指的是一批货物只有15,364.25吨的散装货物。船长已遵守该要求,并解释说他相信代理人代表租船人的利益,并且他没有理由不同意他提出的有关提供足够货物的潜在困难的修改。


The master had also said that after loading was completed the stevedore foreman had presented him with the Actual Stowage Plan indicating a cargo tonnage of 15,321.93 mts.At that time the master realised that the vessel had been loaded differently tothe stowage plans presented by the vessel.

The master had denied that he wished to restrict the quantity of cargo loaded or that he had amended the notice of readiness on his own initiative. He believed that the port agent had been acting in good faith and on the specific instructions of the charterers, also that the cargo had been loaded in accordance with the stowage plans presentedin the amount desired by the shippers/charterers.



In the tribunal’s view, the master was obliged to follow the instructions of thec harterers by reason of clause 8 of the charterparty, although he was not obliged to blindly follow the charterers’ instructions if those instructions were unreasonable. The master of a time chartered merchant ship had dual loyaltiesand responsibilities, to the owners of the vessel in respect of ship management, and to the charterers in respect of vessel employment.

Every now and then those loyalties conflicted and, ultimately, the master’s supreme loyalty was to his owners and to the safety of his vessel and her crew. However, in the presentcase there was no such conflict of loyalties. The owners and the charterers hadboth taken a role in voyage planning and their aims were consistent - thevessel was to load the maximum available cargo. In so doing, there was no hint that the safety of the vessel and her crew would be compromised.


All partieshad plenty of time to consider and structure the best loading stowage arrangementby which the maximum cargo could be safely loaded. Upon receiving his initial voyage instructions the master had asked his owners’ chartering department for assistance with the stowage plan and had received immediate assistance.

At an early stage the owners had suggested the best stowage plan (the 2ndStowage Plan) and although the master was instructed to ask the charterers which stowage plan they preferred, the ultimate responsibility for safe and appropriate loading of his vessel remained with the master.

仲裁庭认为尽管没有时间限制,但在船舶靠泊时没有达成协议的装载计划,尽管在靠泊之前准备的三个装载计划中的一个- 第二个装载计划 - 是迄今为止最合适的。该配载计划应该由船长推荐,并且在没有租船人的任何评论的情况下,在早期阶段作为积载计划采用。对于船长承认他和他的驾驶员对于装卸工人已经将货物装载到船而不知道所装的货品级是什么,法庭对此感到非常惊讶。直到装载完成后,船上的驾驶员才知道装载的货舱和吨位。

Despite there being no time restraints, there was no agreed stowage plan by the time thevessel berthed, despite the fact that one of the three stowage plans which had been prepared before berthing - the 2nd Stowage Plan - was by far and away the most suitable. That plan should have been recommended by the master and, in theabsence of any comment from the charterers, adopted as the stowage plan at anearly stage.

The tribunal was extremely surprised at the master’s admission that he and his officers had left the loading to the stevedores without being aware of what product was being loaded in which hold. It was not until loading was completed that the ship’s officers had any idea of what had been loaded where and in which tonnage.


Even at the end of the loading operation when, on the evidence, the master discovered that the stevedores had loaded in a pattern which conformed to neither his Pre-Plan Stowage Plan; to the 1st Stowage Plan, or to the 2nd Stowage Plan, and discovered also that the quantity of gmop was over 500 tonnes light, the master failed to contact owners or charterers but simply accepted the situation, eventhough his evidence was that even then it was possible to load the full cargo.


The proper procedure was (a) for the master to recommend his preferred stowage plan at anearly stage - plainly the 2nd Stowage Plan - which he did not do; (b) to have ensured that one stowage plan - and one only - was agreed between himself,owners and charterers and that the stevedores were instructed accordingly -which he did not do; (c) if in doubt about the ship’s officers’ ability to distinguish between sop; smop and gmop, to have asked for samples for examination prior to loading; (d) to have ensured that his officers worked withthe terminal to ensure that appropriate grades and tonnages were loaded inappropriate holds; and (e) to have liaised closely with owners and charterers at all stages of the loading operation.


If those routine activities had been followed properly, the problem would not havea risen. Instead, the loading of the vessel had been left to the shore terminal officials and stevedores on the basis that they were best placed to decide on how an ocean-going ship should be loaded. Plainly the stevedores were the servants of all concerned and should have been working under the close controlof the master, not in his place.



The only escapefor the owners from those conclusions was if the tribunal were to find that byfollowing the orders of the port agents, the master was in fact following the orders of the charterers. However, there was a conflict of evidence as to whatwas said by whom to whom. The port agents had denied that they had givenorders.

By their version of events, they merely did what the master told them. It was, however,plain that matters had changed between arrival and the cargo which the master expected to load and, by his version of events, what he was told on berthing.The remedy for the master was easy, namely to contact the owners and/orcharterers for clarification. He had failed to do so and thereby, unnecessarily took upon himself responsibility for the subsequent actions of the stevedores whom he failed to supervise or control.

Accordingly, the owners were in breach of clause 8 of the charterparty. The charterers were entitled to damages to compensate them for the loss of freight on cargo unnecessarily shut-out.




那么在这种情况下,出租人将处于非常被动的位置,很大程度上会被认定构成弃权。因此,船长在发预配积载图(pre-stowage plan)的时候,不管港口MSD如何,均按船舶自身最大能装的货量来。如果由于承租人或发货人,港方安排方面造成了亏舱,那么保留索赔的权利。

关于装卸港,或者航程途中可能有吃水限制的,船长在制作配载图的时候务必小心。在之前介绍过的文章,The “Aquacharm”[1982] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.7 (C.A.)案中,该轮在Rotterdam交船后,便按承租人指示到美国的Baltimore装煤炭,计划过巴拿马运河到日本卸。该轮在Baltimore装了约43,000吨煤炭,于11月8日完货开航。

但是当该轮抵达巴拿马运河的Cristobal时,巴拿马运河当局拒绝让该轮通过,原因是该轮超过了允许的最大吃水。经过相当长时间的考虑,最终决定将636吨煤炭卸另一艘名为Mini Lux的船中,后者随后跟着该轮一起通过运河,在Balboa再装船。转运的总成本,包括雇用Mini Lux的成本为71,470美元。此外,该轮延误了8天23小时45分钟。

本案主要是因为船长在配载的时候装多了货物,导致了在过巴拿马运河的时候因为船艏下沉导致了超吃水,被拒绝过运河。进而需要安排驳船减载,引起了关于停租及减载费用的争议。但商事法院的Lloyd法官及上诉院的Denning勋爵均认为The“ Aquacharm”轮完全能提供承租人所需要的减载的服务,船舶完全运作并没有被阻碍,因此承租人不得停租。


需要注意的是,在这个案中的停租条款如下,只是说deficiency of men。

That in the event of the loss of time from deficiency of men or stores, fire, breakdown or damage to hull, machinery, or equipment, grounding, detention by average accidents to ship or cargo, drydocking for the purpose of examination or painting bottom, or by any other cause preventing the full working of the vessel, the payment of hire shall cease for the time thereby lost.

但是如果停租条款如下,所说的是deficiency and/or default of crew, officers or Owners’ servants,那么情况将不一样。

“That in the eventof the loss of time from deficiency and/or default of crew, officers or owner’s servants ordeficiency of stores, fire, breakdown or damages to hull, machinery orequipment grounding, detention by average accidents to ship or cargo unless resulting from inherent vice, drydocking for the purpose of examination orpainting bottom, or by any other cause preventing the full working of thevessel unless all above are caused by charterers/charterer’s servants/employees, the payment of hire shall cease for the time thereby lost; and if upon the voyage the speed be reduced by defect in breakdown of any parts of herhull, machinery and or equipment, the time so lost, and the cost of any extrafuel consumed in consequence thereof, and all directly related expenses shallbe deducted from the hire. Any stevedore and/or labour charges for breakdown of vessel’s equipment not caused by charterers to be for owner’s account but maximum one shift.”

在London Arbitration 23/5案中,涉及的船舶是一艘41,938载重吨的散货船,租约是NYPE格式,期租时间至少为5个月至7个月,在租约下出现了争议。出租人就最终结算余额以及利息和费用索取64,121.86美元。在诉讼过程中,承租人提出向出租人支付无可争议的12,330.77美元。但是,出租人声称他们只收到了11,995.26美元。承租人否认对索赔金额不承担责任。有三个争议领域,即(1)卸货港的停租,(2)卸货港的出租人的费用,以及(3)承租人于2004年10月支付的短期款项。


2004年1月12日,该船抵达卸货港在锚地抛锚等待靠泊卸货。1月20日,港务局指示船舶从锚地移到减载泊位。该移泊于当晚22时28分开始,该船于1月21日0106靠泊。但是,当地港口代理商签署的事实记录记载“0250 [1月21日]船舶出于安全原因移回锚地。港务员发现吃水为10.05米而不是船方宣布的9.75米。”

船舶返回锚地。1月24日0122,该轮从锚地移泊到减载泊位,在0345靠妥,并于1130开始减载。到1900,该轮的吃水已降至9.75米。减载作业一直持续到1月24日的2300,到那时,吃水进一步减少到9.58米,这足以让船舶转移到筒仓泊位。 1月25日1429时,该船从减载泊位,于1550年抵达筒仓泊位。

由于船舶超吃水造成的减载时间延误,承租人于1月20日至1月24日从2248年起停租,他们从租金中扣除了4,318.75美元。承租人提出,由于船长疏忽计算可装船上的货物数量从而船舶的全部运作受到阻碍,这种疏忽导致船舶由于卸港吃水不足而无法靠泊在卸货港。因此,由于船长的疏忽而导致船舶的全面工作被阻止,该疏忽属于租船条款中“default ofcrew, officers or owners’ servants”的范围。



Held, that according to the statement of facts, the port authority refused to allow thevessel to start lightering on 21 January “for security reasons”. It was unclearwhether that related solely to the vessel’s hogged condition, the excessive draft or that she was not on an even keel. However, despite the vessel being atthe lightering berth, the port authority considered her draft condition deficient to such a serious extent so as to refuse to lighten her.


The owners had acknowledged that the vessel had a “significant hog”, which suggested that even the owners recognised that the hog was beyond the norm, if not excessive. The evidence indicated that the hog was between 0.28 and 0.18 metres. The tribunal’s view,as commercial men, was that a hog of between 0.28 and 0.18 metres on a 40,000dwt vessel was serious and should not occur in the normal course of a voyage.


Accordingly, the tribunal concluded that on 21 January the port authority refused to allowthe vessel to lighten due to the vessel’s excess draft, the uneven keel and the hogged condition. Therefore, given the port authority’s decision on 21 Januaryto order the vessel to return to the roads, the tribunal was satisfied that thevessel was not fully capable at that time of the first service immediately required of her, namely the lightering of the vessel.


仲裁庭认为接下来的问题是“cause”是否属于停租条款的范围。第15条中包含“and/or defaultof crew, officers or owner’s servants or deficiency of stores”的字样表明当事人意图包括船员和人员(包括船长)的过失。中垂是显著的,并且比吃水高达0.25米的事实表明,在概率的平衡上,船长是疏忽的。有证据表明船长的原始计算结果显示船舶可以再装载427吨。此外,船舶的抵港条件表明船长的积载计划和/或燃油管理是计算错误的促成因素。因此,鉴于船长意识到这艘船不仅要以9.75米的平龙骨吃水抵达,而且不应该带着显著的中垂抵达卸港是不言而喻的,船长必须接受港口当局于1月21日拒绝减载船舶决定的最终责任。

Having reached that conclusion, the tribunal was satisfied that between 2248 on 20 and 1900 on 24 January, the full working of the vessel was prevented by the vessel’s draft condition, regardless whether the vessel had to lighten in any event.

The next question was whether the “cause” fell within the ambit of the off hire clause. The inclusion of the words “and/or default ofcrew, officers or owner’s servants or deficiency of stores” in clause 15 indicated that the parties intended to include errors of the crew and officers, including the master. Thefact that the hog was “significant” and up to 0.25 metres over draft suggested that, on the balance of probability, the master was negligent. That was supported by the evidence thatthe master’s original calculations showed that the vessel could load a further 427 tonnes.

Moreover, thevessel’s arrival condition suggested that the master’s stowage plan and/ormanagement of bunkers were contributory factors in the miscalculation.Therefore, given that the master was aware that not only was the vessel toarrive with an even keel of 9.75 metres, but that it was axiomatic that she should not arrive with a “significant” hog, he had to accept ultimate responsibility for the port authority’s decision to refuse to lighten the vessel on 21 January.


Accordingly,it was the master’s deficiency which caused the vessel to arrive with a draftwhich, for whatever reason, was unacceptable to the port authority. Furthermore, the master’s deficiency in miscalculating the vessel’s arrival condition fell within the ambit of the off-hire clause as amended.


However, the charterers had not lost as much time as they claimed. The correct measure of time lost and off-hire was from 0106 on 21January, when the vessel reached her first lightering berth and was available to commence lightering, until 1900 on 24 January, when the vessel’s draft was reduced to 9.75 metres. On that basis the vessel was off-hire for a period of 3days 17 hours and 54 minutes. In monetary terms, the amount claimed as off-hire reduced the net hire of US$42,138.28 to US$41,116.71, resulting in a reductionin the charterers’ claim of US$1,021.57.

其余争议和本案无关不在此说明。从该仲裁案可以看出,如果停租条款关于船员部分被修改为“and/or default of crew, officers or owner’s servants or deficiency of stores”,那么如果承租人给予了相关的港口信息吃水之后,因船长过失造成超吃水,那么出租人将承担责任。



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